Welcome to Our Big Conversation
Our Big Conversation is now closed
Thank you to everyone for taking part in Our Big Conversation. We're dedicated to improving experiences at our Trust.
About Our Big Conversation
Our Big Conversation was first launched August 2020. It was our largest listening exercise. 2,100+ people shared 35,800+ ideas to help develop our strategic direction “Our Journey to Change”. Our Big Conversation is a simple, safe website where people can share and discuss feedback and ideas.
Our Journey to Change
Our Journey to Change sets out a vision for the type of Trust we’re striving to become, and how we’ll treat each other on this journey through the values of respect, compassion, and responsibility. It focuses on three goals:
1. Co-creating a great experience for patients, carers, and families.
2. Enhancing the experience for our colleagues.
3. Being a great partner.
Recent Achievements
- Welcomed over 150 newly qualified nurses, reducing agency staff use by 44.6%.
- Launched co-creation boards with patients, carers, and families.
- Increased our peer support workforce by 27%.
- Supported hundreds through our Individual Placement Service.
- Embedded specialist teams in schools for mental health support.
- Retained our 2-star rating from the Carers Trust.
- Conducted a major clinical trial on loneliness and depression.
- Launched a co-created new complaints service.
- Rolled out a new patient safety incident response framework (PSIRF).
These improvements are steps forward, but there's more to do.
Next Steps
We are inviting everyone to reflect and to help co-create the next steps in Our Journey to Change, the big focus beyond 2025.
We want to work with our communities to identify what’s worked well and the big key areas of action we must focus on for the years ahead. We value your input and are asking four key questions:
1. Reflecting on our journey so far
What are the things we’ve done well over the last few years to improve the experience we provide to people in our care, families and carers, our colleagues and our partners?
2. Improving the experience of people in our care and their families and carers.
What big things should we start, stop or change to deliver an exceptional experience to people in our care, their families and carers?
3. Improving the experience of our colleagues
What big things should we start, stop or change to deliver an exceptional experience to our colleagues?
4. Improving the experience of our partners
What big things should we start, stop or change to be a great partner?
Please join us in this important conversation.
Your voice matters in shaping our future.
When contributing please:
- Be respectful, responsible and be compassionate with your voice.
- Use your voice to share experiences and ideas and to rate and build upon the ideas of others.
Together we will help to co-create the future of Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.